Centrifuge baskets

Centrifuge baskets are suitable for bulk treated small-sized goods. Main advantages are very gentle prats processing, minimal bath out take and high quality of final surface. For transport we use specialy designed manipulators with tilting vertical axis. Manipulator is equipped with motoric drive for basket rotation in both directions.

Centrifugal baskets are also suitable for treatments that follow the surface treatment itself, such as passivation or sealing. It is not necessary to transfer the goods to another basket, thus avoiding abrasion of the goods. Wet loading or unloading can be used for loading or unloading baskets. The goods are transferred to a basket immersed in water, thus causing minimal abrasion.

Loading and unloading of centrifugal baskets can be automatic or manual. Lines using centrifugal baskets are usually equipped with cleaning stations for cleaning the baskets. This ensures a long service life of the baskets themselves and a consistent quality of the final products.